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Movie Rankings:Every movie reviewed by ycopfiles.com/movies is ranked on a scale from 1-3. Those receiving a 1 are as good as most movies; average, typical, with some funny, exciting, or scary moments. Those receiving a ranking of 2, are better than most movies, above average, worth spending your money on to see, with funny, edge-of-your-seat, or scary scenes throughout. A movie ranked 3/3 is way above average, worth spending your money on to see and to buy, the kind of movie you will be talking about the next day. If a movie is particularly bad or awful, so terrible you couldn't even pay me enough to see it again, then it receives a ranking of 0 on a scale from 1-3. Conversely, if a movie is so fantastic, so awesome, that it is worth paying to see twice, so good that you don't dare get up out of your seat for fear of missing something. So amazing that you are willing to camp out the night before in order to be the first in line to buy a copy for yourself when it comes out, then it is ranked as a 4 on a scale from 1-3.
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